CALL FOR ART: All 2D, 3D, literary and performance artists with a connection to the Muslim community in Minnesota are encouraged to apply.
- “Mirrored Mosaics: Artists’ Reflections on Being Muslim in Minnesota”
- Art Exhibition at Art Works in Eagan, MN: February-March 2019
- Art Works, 3795 Pilot Knob Rd, Eagan, MN 55122
We hope that all artists and community members will help us celebrate the work of our creative Muslim brothers and sisters! All are welcome to attend the opening reception on February 10, 5:30-7:00 p.m.
About the Exhibit: The exhibit “Mirrored Mosaics” is intended to lift up and feature the work of creative Muslim people with a connection to Minnesota. The work need not be focused on religious themes, but it may. The work need not be a commentary in any way of your experience as it directly relates to being Muslim, but it may. The work need not be political, but it may. Faith is a defining force for many people, but it is certainly not the only defining force. Submit art that speaks your truth, and it will make an amazing exhibit that highlights the unique perspectives of being Muslim while revealing universal commonalities beyond cultural, faith and geographic influences. Challenge yourself, and let Art Works celebrate YOU!
We are seeking to celebrate artists with a direct personal connection to the Muslim community. Artistic commentary about the Muslim community from those outside the community is not appropriate in this exhibit.
Art Works would like to extend a special “THANKS” to our partner and exhibition curation lead, Tasia Hart Islam. Your enthusiasm for this project is inspiring!
Applications and Fees: Application/Waiver/Work Samples are requested by January 10, 2019 at 12:00 p.m. Application fee for this exhibition is $15 for adults or $5 for youth (under 18 years of age). You may submit up to 5 pieces of work for consideration, and you are guaranteed at least one piece will be chosen for exhibition. Artists whose work is not accepted for whatever reason will be refunded the application fee. Artists whose work is deemed exceptional may be asked to submit more pieces and become a featured artist in the exhibition. Application fees are used to support the administrative work associated with the exhibit, and one “Best of Show” monetary award will be offered. Email gallery@artworkseagan.org with questions or if you are in need of support completing the online application.
You will need a google account in order to submit an application online. Please consider creating one as all of our exhibit applications utilize this system. Utilizing automation through google forms is the only way for our all volunteer run organization to manage the data associated with applications. Thanks for your help!
Click (LINK) HERE when you are ready to apply! Pay your fee by clicking (LINK) HERE or following the link at end of your application.
Sales of art: All art will be for sale (or marked NFS) and sales take place directly between you and the customer. AWE takes no commission, but happily accepts a donation if you feel it is a good venue for you.
Show Timeline:
- Art Drop-off: Tentatively scheduled for Jan 29-30, 2019
- Installation (no artist attendance): Jan 31-Feb 1, 2019
- Exhibition Opening Reception: Feb 10, 2019, 5:30-7:00 p.m.* We would love for all artists to attend. Please inform us if that is not possible.
- *Please note that date of opening reception was moved from February 3 to February 10.
- Show runs from Feb 5 – Mar 29
- Art Pick-up: Tentatively scheduled for April 2, 2019.
Attached are some photos of the gallery just to get a flavor of our place. Check us out online at (LINK) www.artworkseagan.org.
Ayesha Wazirzada · January 14, 2019 at 10:03 pm
Good morning,I am writing regarding a up coming art event,I know the deadline has crossed, and I just got back from a over seas trip just over the weekend.
I’d like to know if their is any flexibility relating getting into the system.
Would much appreciate some info.
My name is Ayesha , and most of my art work is more of impressionist medium.
You can email me at halftwin67@msn.com and my contact number is 6127878313.
Thanks a bunch,
Jerri Neddermeyer · January 18, 2019 at 5:07 pm
Thanks for your note, Ayesha! I am glad we were able to connect!
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